Friday, December 20, 2013

Dr Visit

Today was my first Dr. visit since getting my positive pregnancy test results. I am/baby is 6 weeks and 1 day.
So I got an ultrasound to confirm there is in fact a baby growing inside and that it has implanted in the correct spot.

There it is! A tiny little peanut.  It measured at exactly 6 weeks and 1 day. We got see the tiny little heartbeat flickering and we got to hear it as well.  Heart was beating at 107 beats per min.  Just getting started working.
Dr. said things look great!  He did warn that even though things are good there is still always that chance of miscarriage. Which I am quite aware of it, since we have been here before.  Hearing the heartbeat and losing it later.  But we are being optimistic!
I am suppose to be staying on all my medications, continuing injections and such till at least 10 weeks. Only a month to go, I hope!
My due date was confirmed at August 14, 2014!
And I suppose everyone wants to know if its a boy or a girl?!

We are joining Team PINK! 
So hoping that this little girl will be the one sticks through and makes it all the way!
I can't wait to buy little girl things! Trying to restrain myself (and my mom) till we are through the first trimester, at least!  But its fun to look!
and yes, those of you knew I wanted a girl were right. But she did also happen to be the first genetically good embryo on the list. I think we were just meant to have her!

thank you all for your continued support and prayers!
Love you all and Thanks again!

Friday, December 6, 2013


As most of you are aware because I couldn't keep my anticipation off of Facebook, I had my 1st pregnancy test blood draw on Wednesday.   Thankfully, the results came in relatively quickly so I didn't have spend all day in suspense.  Those results were POSITIVE! I had a HCG number of 74 and the nurse that called with my results said all they wanted to see was a number over 50. And she also told me that I was considered 3 weeks and 6 days along. So my number was perfect for being a day behind 4 weeks.  So I was over the moon excited but then I had to wait till today for my second blood draw. This time the HCG number needs to double or at least raise by 60% at the minimum.  Results from that blood draw came in with an HCG number of 157. So the number is great!
Now I'm officially 4 weeks and 1 day!
I have an ultrasound appt on the 20th so hopefully little embryo keeps growing at the appropriate rate and hopefully we will be able to see something.

I have been at this place 4 times now, so I'm excited and nervous. I've never had a pregnancy go past 8/9 weeks. So, just have to stay hopeful that this one will make full term.
I'll be keeping everyone updated as to how things progress.
For the time being though, I'm still on my progesterone injections and estrogen patches until otherwise told by the dr to stop. So probably 6-8 more weeks.

Also,  Greg told me not to tell what the gender is of what we are having until after an ultrasound. So another couple weeks of secret keeping! :-)

Thank you everyone for the all the support and prayers!  We appreciate it so much! Love you all!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend and the Waiting!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend!  I enjoyed mine for sure! Lots of food, family and fun!
After my parents left (after being here to help me out while I was bed rest after my transfer, Thank you to them!), my in-laws and BFF Ashley came to stay with us for Thanksgiving and the weekend.  It was definitely nice having people to our house for our first time hosting thanksgiving. Even though my in laws did most of the cooking.  Greg and I have no idea what we were doing and in general I wasn't very helpful except to tell everyone where things are in the kitchen. Everything turned out tasty and great! Special thanks to  the Noel's!
Over the weekend, we took everyone to Santa Fe to check out the shops at the Plaza and enjoy a New Mexican lunch. I also took everyone to a drinking chocolate place where they have meso-american hot chocolates (basically spicy hot chocolate) and candies. No one tried it but Greg.  They are the second group of people I have taken there and no one tries it. So not taking people there any more.
Greg also took his family up the Sandia Tram and hiked up in the snow. Ashley and I didn't go with them because I was taking it easy still, Ashley has already been up the tram and it was cold and there was snow up there still.  The pictures they took though were beautiful.  It is pretty in the forest with the snow on the ground. Greg and I then took everyone to our favorite New Mexican restaurant in town. It did not disappoint! Though the chili's were a little spicy for a couple of people. ; )
And everyone went home yesterday! Empty house and lots of laundry (which is all done already).
On top of Sandia

As for me and my transfer which I suppose in the real reason everyone is reading this:
Things are going as well as can be expected. I am trying not to read too much in to every pinch, twitch and pull in my lower abdomen but I can't help it. There isn't much I can do, this either worked or it didn't. I am 6 days past transfer so if my little tiny embryo implanted it has already happened (or not).  I still have to wait 2 more days until I get my first blood test.  Then 2 more days to get the 2nd, which will confirm either the positive or negative I get with the 1st blood test.  I was doing pretty good with the waiting until Saturday then really started wanting to know. Good thing we had people over to keep me distracted otherwise I would have been going crazy by Saturday.
In theory, I can test with a home pregnancy test, even though it wouldn't be completely accurate. Thankfully I don't have any in the house. I don't want to give myself false hope before getting actual results.
2 more days, just have to keep telling myself that!  Good thing I am going back to work this afternoon. Gotta stay busy!
So hopefully I will have results for everyone by the end of the day on Friday!

Time for everyone to start thinking, if in fact this entire process has worked (and I make it full term this time), are we having a BOY or a GIRL?

Lots of people have already told me what they think based on what I said I have wanted in the past, but as I said before we picked the 1st good one on our list.  Do you still think its a BOY or GIRL??
(I gotta have fun with the little bit of mystery I have left with this, cause obviously I've shared a lot)