Saturday, April 26, 2014

24 Weeks

This is a big week. This is the week of viability. Meaning if something were to go wrong, baby could be born and survive in the NICU. Of course this is not ideal but it does give a little piece of mind that baby girl could survive on the outside.
I went the OB on Monday and everything is going well!  Weight is continuing to go up at a good rate, blood pressure is staying a good rate and belly is measuring on track.
I have to do the glucose test to test for diabetes within the next couple of weeks.
OB listened to baby's heart beat, she was good and normal. Baby girl also kicked/punched the dopplar while Doctor was listening. Apparently she didn't appreciate the intrusion. This also happened as the doctor was asking me if I feel baby move. I feel baby move almost every time I am holding still. I don't feel her, when I'm working or moving about. But if I sit or lay down for any amount of time, I'll feel her wiggle and dance.  Sometimes more than others, depending on what I have eaten lately. Greg has felt her move a few more times and we have even seen my belly move when she's wiggling. That was crazy seeing my belly move for the first time.
So all is well with the dr appts. I am going to see the OB and the specialist for an ultrasound on the same day next month (22nd). Made that easy on myself since they are located in the same building just on separate floors.
I told my OB about the one of the specialist being concerned about pre-term labor and she says that there is no reason to be concerned. Everything is normal, and  when I have something to worry about she will let me know.
I just can't wait for baby girl to be here! Only 16 weeks left till due date!
Feeling larger!

Greg has finished painting baby's room! He did a pretty good job.  I love that it's super girly!
We have all the furniture ordered. Crib, Dresser and rocking chair! We should have everything in about 8 weeks. The dresser and crib had to be ordered and its going to take 8 weeks for them to arrive. Greg picked up the chair yesterday. Just have to get it up the stairs now.

In the meantime, I got the carpets cleaned and I' m starting organizing things around the house. And try not to buy too many baby things until I have places to put to them.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

22 Weeks!

Today was an ultrasound day! My favorite days
We are 22 weeks! Over the half way and on the countdown to due date.
At today's ultrasound, baby girl was kicking and punching me for the first half of the scan. She was, however, in her favorite position, upside down with her face down really low. The tech said she has tons of room to stretch out but she was curled up in tight ball.  She would kick or punch then curl back up.
The tech took as many measurements as she could. baby girl is measuring right on track.  Her heart and internal organs all look good.. The tech got a few brain measurements but not all the ones she needed. The doctor said from the measurements they got baby looks good. Nothing to worry about!
The doctor I saw today was more chill than the last one I saw who practically scared me with all the possible preterm labor risks.  This doctor was like everything is good, nothing to worry about!  Everything is so good that I am not scheduled to go back for another look for 6 more weeks.  That will be the longest I will go without seeing baby.  They just want to keep checking that she continues to grow at the right rate. This something that they are only concerned with because she was conceived using IVF.
Since baby was up in ball, estimate was that she in 11.25 in long and weighs 1.1 lbs.  Completely normal and average for her age,  She's not big and she's not small.  I'm kind of glad she isn't measuring big anymore. Hopefully, she wont end up being over 8 pounds.
I am weighing in at a 10 pound gain now... yay... not terrible for 22 weeks though.  Belly is for sure looking pregnant. Not being able to hide it at work anymore.

There she is!  The doctor tried to get me a 3D pic of her face but she just shoved her face down further so it didn't work.  Hoping for next time she will cooperate better.

Greg and I are going to AZ for the weekend to see the families and our new niece.
Here'e a pic of my bump for 22 weeks. Not sure if I'll get a pic like I usually do.

My next appt is in 2 weeks with the OB so that wont be anything exciting, I suppose.  The doctor today mentioned getting my thyroid retested but didn't give me a test slip so not sure when that will be done again. Probably in  2 weeks or so.
After that appt it will be another month till the next ultrasound so I won't have anything to update with until then.

Since, we have reached the halfway mark we finally started getting the baby's room ready. Greg got the room all painted except for the stripes on one wall. I'll post pics once its finished.  The room is a mess with painting supplies still.   I ordered her crib that should be in the end of May/June.  We still need to find a dresser and a chair. But its coming together slowly.

We still have no name picked out for baby girl. Greg is not very cooperative (kinda like baby), We have short list nothing picked out for sure.

Until next time.....