I am almost 37 weeks (a couple days). I had both doctors appointments this week. Today and yesterday. My OB appointment was uneventful, which is good. Heart rate and belly measurements were all good. Blood pressure is still good. Weight is a little higher than I was hoping for with a few weeks still to go but it’s not technically a problem. No cervix check this weeek. I thought I would get checked but not this time. Not that I think anything is happening anyway. The last few weeks have also been uneventful. Lots of the same.
I have been doing the weekly non stress tests. Everything has been good there too. Fluid and blood flow and movements have all been good. Nothing to concern anybody.
I had my last growth ultrasound and baby boy was looking good. He’s still head down and has moved his butt up to my ribs. Which I have noticed and it’s not exactly comfortable for me. He’s low too and it’s uncomfortable for my bladder. The tech estimated his current weight at 7 lbs and 7 oz. which is 80th percentile. Even with a possible pound in either direction difference, little guy will be on the bigger side if we make to full term. They did give me a length measurement for him but I assume he’ll be around 20 in T birth, just like Alex was.
I’m hoping that if he really is going to be on the larger side that he comes a little early. Anywhere in the 38-40 week would be great. Really hoping to not have to be induced this time around.
Braxton Hicks contraction are in full force. Possibly even a few real one. Definitely had a few take my breath away. Another week and I’ll start trying all the old wives tricks to start labor, even though none of them worked on getting Alex here before her due date.