I have developed OHSS, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
The Mayo Clinic website has this to say about it:
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) usually occurs as a result of taking hormonal medications that stimulate the development of eggs in a woman's ovaries. These fertility drugs may be prescribed to treat infertility. In ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, your ovaries become swollen and painful. About one-fourth of women who take injectible fertility drugs get a mild form of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which goes away after about a week.
I have experienced a 5 pound weigh gain in the last 4 days, my belly is incredible swollen and occasionally can be painful depending on the position I'm in. Since I have this additional weight on my belly, my lower back hurts if I stand for too long. My belly looks like I'm almost 5 months pregnant. These symptoms are suppose to last about 2 weeks. I still also have very sore boobs. But no more headaches!Greg keeps telling this is just preparing me for the weight I'll have to deal with when I get pregnant. But at least that weigh gain will be slower.
So in order to come combat all the fluid that has leaked into my belly from my large ovaries, I have been drinking lots of Gatorade and pedialyte. I am also suppose to be eating lots of protein. Some how that's suppose to help too.
In addition to all that fun stuff, I have started taking progesterone injections. Greg has to give these to me in the upper butt lower back area. This injection is particular not fun because its an oil which makes it especially difficult to inject. Take forever to push in. Also,the first time I got the shot, I became nauseous, like I had morning sickness. Which seem reasonable considering I still have HCG in my system. HCG and progesterone are 2 very important pregnancy hormones, so my body might be confused. The progesterone shots are a precaution that I'm taking for another few days, in case I needed to do a fresh transfer instead of the frozen transfer I am planning on. But will the all the possible embryos we have, a fresh transfer seems unlikely. So I just get to suffer a but longer
I went to the Dr. this morning to have a follow up visit. He told me I look pretty good for being hyperstimulated. Although my ovaries are still 10cm in size. Which he so nicely put as each of my ovaries are the size of a newborn baby head, awesome.....
My Dr. and I also discussed how many embryos will be biopsied, since we have so many and the genetic testing is expensive.
We do not know the exact number yet for many will even make it to the biopsy stage but with 26 to start with, Greg and I decided that 16 will be biopsied. That number will of course be less if less make it the biopsy stage.
All embryos even those that will not biopsied will be frozen. We will then hope that at least 50% of the tested embryos come back with genetically normal results. Which we would should get in about 3 weeks and then we will start the process of the transfer.