But before I get into the details of today I'll give you some updates since Tuesday.
As I mentioned in my last post, Tuesday I had my HCG shot. Greg was nice enough to poke me in butt with that shot. It wasn't so bad but side effect of that shot was that my slightly sore boobs became ridiculously sore and tender. No fun at all! Also on Tuesday, my blood test results came in again with high estrogen levels so I didn't have to do my usual nightly injection.
Wednesday, no more injections! But I did have have to have another blood test to get my HCG levels tested. Which thankfully came back normal so I didn't have to do another one of those injections. Wednesday was not a really good day for me, as I started hyper stimulating. I was working when the pressure in my belly felt like it was pushing up into my stomach and lungs. Super uncomfortable! Thankfully a bottle and half of Gatorade later, I felt much better. I was definitely glad I had bought more Gatorade and pediaylte before I went to work that day.
I realized that many of who read my updates my not fully understand what I have been going through. I'm sure I haven't been the best at explaining. So before I tell you about the retrieval, I wanted to show you some pics. (None of the pics will be mine but it will help visualize what's been going on with me)
First pic is an ultrasound of follicles in an ovary before staring fertility treatment. The little red dots are follicles.

Next pic is and ultrasound with multiple medium to large follicles. The big black circles are the follicles.

So here's an illustration of of normal female parts and then after follicles have grown.

Now you kind of see why I've been bloated and uncomfortable for the last few days.
So now on to the part that's really important. Egg retrieval day!
Day started off with Greg going to the dr office to give his part. Need some good swimmers to fertilize the follicles that got sucked out. Anyway, then Greg took me to dr office to get my part over with. Thankfully, I got put under anesthesia and the dr sucked out a combine total of 34 follicles. Of course not all of them will be good and not all will fertilize. But I figured if even 50% of the follicles fertilize we still have quite a few to work with. Tomorrow, I will be able to call the dr office and get the total number of fertilize eggs. Also, to give you an idea, my Internet research says that between 10-20 follicles is the average. Since I have PCOS, they did expect me to have a little more and to hyper stimulate.
Now it's pretty much a waiting game.
Dr did tell me after I woke up and became aware of what's going on, that I am hyper stimulated. Since all the eggs are out, my enlarged ovaries will fill with fluid. So I'm drinking Gatorade like its my job to keep it from getting worse. Also, the dr prescribe me some vaginal suppositories. I know you are all excited to hear about those as I am to take them. These are suppose to help with the hyper stimulation. Better to drink the Gatorade and take the suppositories then go to hospital to have fluid drained from my belly and be in pain.
Starting Saturday I have to start progesterone injections for 5 days. More shots in the butt! These are just a precaution in case we have to do a fresh transfer and not the planned frozen transfer. Though with so many follicles, problems leading to a fresh transfer seem unlikely. But just in case...
I will have to resume these injections when we do the frozen embryo transfer and then for the entire first trimester.
I will post more updates as I get results from the dr.
But for now the hard part is over!
Thanks for the support and prayers!
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