Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Transfer is complete! Finally!
The process was fairly simple today.  Went to the dr office with very full uncomfortable bladder and waited for the dr.  When he finally appeared, my bladder was so full I had to empty it a little bit.  Then a catheter was inserted up into my uterus using ultrasound guidance. And so increased pressure on the bladder.  Once the catheter was in place, the embryo was inserted. Literally took 5 minutes for the proceudre. Then it's was a long 20 minute wait till I could move off the table.  Had to have my bladder emptied by catheter since I couldn't move off the table and I had to pee soooo bad.
My dr said our embryo looked beautiful so he thinks our chances are pretty good!  Just need a little bit of luck!
So bed rest the rest of the day and tomorrow.  Then just going to take it easy after that.
We'll know if this work by next Friday the 6th.
So glad the waiting is almost done!  Just hope this works so we do not have to do this again until we want a second baby.

I'll keep you all updated as test results come in!
Thanks for all the support!

There it is! 6 day old blastocysts!
No bigger than half the diameter of a strand of hair (or so I've read)!

special thanks to my parents for getting my house ready for my Thanksgiving guests, taking care of me while i laid on the couch and for re-staining my stair banister!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

1 Week Left

One more week! Its finally getting close to the all important day that I have been waiting 4 months for!
I had an appointment at the Dr. office today for an ultrasound to check the lining of my uterus.
The nurse that did the ultrasound said everything looked great. Nice and thick and has all 3 layers that it should have. Ready for an embryo to snuggle in to!
I got all my instruction for the next week and  for the day of the transfer!
I have to take my injections that I give myself in the thigh until tomorrow and then Thursday, I start the progesterone injections. : ( My thighs will finally be able to recover for the all the injections. I have bruises and I feel like I am covered in punctures. But the progesterone is so much worse!
I also have a belly covered in estrogen patches. 4 of them now.  I have red splotches all over from taking them off every other day and putting new ones on. I'm going to run out of fresh skin to put new ones on soon.
This will of course all be worth it when this works!
I'll post an update after transfer to let you all know how it went.
The nurse today said the transfer itself will only take a few minutes but then I'll have to hang out laying down for about 30 minutes (with a full bladder, since that's apparently necessary for the transfer). Then I'll be home on bed rest until Thanksgiving.
My parents are super nice and are coming out a couple days before the transfer to help me get ready for thanksgiving and take care of me while Greg works on Wednesday. Then Greg's family will be here for Thanksgiving weekend and Ashley will be here from Texas as well. So I'll have plenty of people to help out while I take it pretty easy for the weekend.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 more weeks!

Yes, I am counting down the weeks!
I started estrogen patches last Saturday.  I started with one patch and I am suppose to work my way up to 4 patches.  So far I am at 2 patches, I should be at 4 patches by Tuesday and that is when my next appointment is.. The estrogen is suppose to making my lining grow and I'm still on injections to keep my ovaries quiet and keep from ovulating.
Saturday wasn't a great day. All day I seemed to either have a huge headache or felt nauseous. I am fairly certain it just the introduction of the estrogen into my system. I have been ok every since, so that a good thing. I am worried about when I have to start the progesterone shot next week because I got really sick last time. Hopefully, that will also only be a one day thing.

That's about it for this week. Nothing really new, just trying to keep this blog updated. I know I have been pretty boring the last couple of months but I guess that part of the process.  Lots of waiting!
I'm really hope this transfer works otherwise it will be more waiting until we can try again. I'm tired of waiting!

Keep you all posted after the Dr. appointment next week!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Baseline ultrasound and 3 week count down!

Today I had my baseline ultrasound for the beginning of the transfer cycle.   All was good! Everything is nice and quiet, as it should be.   I go back in 2 weeks to see how the lining of my uterus is thickening. On Saturday, I start esteogen patches to make the lining grow.
This also marks 3 weeks until the transfer happens!

Quick update but that's all that happening for now!
Updates again in 2 weeks.