The process was fairly simple today. Went to the dr office with very full uncomfortable bladder and waited for the dr. When he finally appeared, my bladder was so full I had to empty it a little bit. Then a catheter was inserted up into my uterus using ultrasound guidance. And so increased pressure on the bladder. Once the catheter was in place, the embryo was inserted. Literally took 5 minutes for the proceudre. Then it's was a long 20 minute wait till I could move off the table. Had to have my bladder emptied by catheter since I couldn't move off the table and I had to pee soooo bad.
My dr said our embryo looked beautiful so he thinks our chances are pretty good! Just need a little bit of luck!
So bed rest the rest of the day and tomorrow. Then just going to take it easy after that.
We'll know if this work by next Friday the 6th.
So glad the waiting is almost done! Just hope this works so we do not have to do this again until we want a second baby.
I'll keep you all updated as test results come in!
Thanks for all the support!

There it is! 6 day old blastocysts!
No bigger than half the diameter of a strand of hair (or so I've read)!
special thanks to my parents for getting my house ready for my Thanksgiving guests, taking care of me while i laid on the couch and for re-staining my stair banister!
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