Thursday, January 9, 2014

9 Weeks and No More Meds

Today I am 9 weeks!
No Dr visit this week, next week and I hope baby is still cooking away! As I have mentioned before getting through 8 and 9 weeks is a big deal for us since it has yet to be done.
A few days ago I spoke with a nurse from the Dr. office and after the Dr. reviewed my blood test results, I was asked to lower my med dosages to half for a couple of a days and the repeat blood work.  After those results came in I was asked to stop all my meds, except for my vitamins and other pills. So no more shots and no more patches.  My butt and belly are thankfully for this. The skin on my belly hasn't been able to recover as quickly for the patches changes and my butt is so bruised for the shots. Yesterday was my first official day with no meds and this morning I went for more blood work to see if my body is able to produce all the hormones it needs to on its own. I hope to have those results by the afternoon.  If my body cant take over on its own then its back to shots and patches for a bit longer.
I am pretty nervous about being off the meds. They were kind of like a safety net for me. I felt better knowing that I for sure had the necessary hormones in my system.  I know that more than likely my body will be able to take over but my safety net is gone. Its all on me now! In my previous short lived pregnancies I was not hormone deficit, at least not enough to have caused any of the miscarriages.  
Greg has been good about reminding me that our previous losses were more than likely chromosome related that we have corrected that issue by having the embryo tested and that we know she is normal. It gives me some comfort to know this but I still worry. I'll be worry all the way until she is here and then I will probably still continue to worry as most mothers, I am sure, do.
Other than being a worrier, I feel generally ok. I still have the occasional nausea. But that about it.
Hoping that the next 3-5 weeks fly by! I so want to get to the 2nd trimester.

Update next week after Dr. visit, with hopefully news that everything is good.

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