Friday, August 1, 2014

38 Weeks

14 days!
Baby girl can come out anytime now, I'm so ready!
I quit working last week at 37 weeks because I had been having lots of contractions. Also at my 37 week OB appt, my doctor said that I could have baby at anytime.  My body and baby are ready to go, just waiting for real contractions.  At my 37 week monitoring appt, the nurse said the same thing.
Unfortunately, I have made it to 38 weeks and another OB and monitoring appointment.  At the OB, we are basically at the same place as last week.  I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  Still just waiting for real contractions.  Dr said again body and baby are ready.  Went to monitoring and everything was good there. Baby girl behaved except she was napping so it took a bit to see her do her breathing motions but she did them.
My mom has come to visit until baby makes her arrival.  We spent the week doing some shopping/walking.  I was hoping the walking would get some contractions going but that hasn't happened yet....
Next week, we plan on doing cleaning and more walking.  Hoping something will work!
I feel like my belly is so huge and it's so heavy.  Baby needs to come out already!
Hopefully, my next update will be with pics of baby! Hopefully!

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