Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Monday I had my second blood test for my HCG level and it doubled.  Which was fantastic news.  Even more than little more double, it went up to 19.  So we had some hope that the embryo was growing. Today I had another blood test to see if my HCG doubled again. Unfortunately, it did not. It went down to 14. That means this is the end of this try/cycle. Doctor told me to stop all my medication.  Now we wait. I have an appointment with my doctor next week to discuss trying again.

I am disappointed to say the least. We lost 2 good quality male embryos in this cycle. And I went through a lot with the medication this time. I suppose that when a person goes through IVF they can't get lucky every try.  So this is our fail. And I am hopeful that next time will not fail.  We still have 5 embryos frozen. Although we only have 1 good quality embryo and then 4 fair quality.

I'll update next week after my doctor visit

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