Thursday, March 27, 2014

20 Weeks!

We have made it to the halfway mark! Pretty exciting!
I went to see the OB, or rather I saw the nurse practitioner, and everything is going well.
My blood pressure is good, my weight is up 3 pounds from the previous month, no proteins or sugars in my urine. I got the results from the blood work that the specialist had done 2 weeks ago.  Baby doesn't have spina bifida (as we expected) and my TSH levels is closer to normal.  Its still not in the normal range but it is way better than it has been.  So no blood work till 28 weeks. Then I will be retested for my thyroid and for glucose levels. I suppose that's the dreaded sugar drink test.
We heard baby's heartbeat today. She was especially wiggly today and the nurse had a harder time trying to catch her so she could count the beats.  When she did catch her, her heartbeat is normal, 150's bpm.
So all is well for now!
I realized that I haven't mentioned that I have been feeling baby girl wiggling and kicking for almost a month now.  Around 16 weeks, I started to realize that the feeling of bubbles popping was baby moving. Then at about 18 weeks, I was getting kicked.  Greg even got to feel a tiny kick.  Though most of the time, when I tell Greg to put his hand on my belly, baby girl stops moving.  The last few days I have felt the most movement. Lots of kicking, punching and just wiggling.  It's so nice to be able to feel her and know that she is doing ok in there.
Last week, I really noticed that we are halfway and we have nothing ready for baby.  Halfway came up kind of fast. (Not that I am complaining. I'm glad time is going by fast right now.  The more weeks that go by the sooner baby will be here and I'll have a new set of worries.) Anyway, Greg has started to paint the baby's room. He got the ceiling painted last weekend and is planning on painting the walls this weekend. Then, I plan on getting the carpets cleaned and then ordering some furniture. I think we decided on a crib and possibly a dresser. Still looking for rocking/gliding chair.
I think I also decided on a "theme" for baby's room.  Fairies & butterflies. I want it to be girly but not cartoon-ish. I'm on the search for some decor.

Tomorrow is also, our 5 year wedding anniversary!
We aren't doing anything exciting. Probably go out for a nice dinner at some point this weekend.
Greg did buy me a second band to match my wedding ring. My wedding set is now complete! I'm  pretty excited about it!

Oh, we did get a new niece last week! My brother August and his wife Melissa have added to their family with baby #3 and the their first girl, Jade!
We can't wait to meet baby Jade in person in a couple of weeks, when we go to AZ for the weekend.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

18 Weeks

Getting closer to halfway! 18 weeks!
I went to the high risk specialist this morning, for an ultrasound and follow up with the doctor!
Baby girl was not cooperative with getting her picture taken today. She was sleeping and upside down with face deep in my pelvis and her legs curled up over her body.  Basically folded herself up.  I did get to see her heart, brain, kidneys, and her girl parts. She was confirmed to be a girl!

With the measurements, the tech was able to get today, baby measured 8 inches long and weighs half a pound. Which according to my baby tracking apps is right on for weight but 2 inches longer.  The tech today said she is measuring normal for her age.  I'm pretty sure that baby is going to be long/tall.

I, also, had to get more blood work done.  Retesting my thyroid, since it should be close to normal,if it was pregnancy hormone related.  Also, had blood work done to test baby for neural tube problems, such as spina bifida.  Not worried about that test since all appears normal on ultrasound.

I go back to the specialist in 4 weeks for another ultrasound.  This next ultrasound and the ones following will be to continue to check on baby's anatomy and watch me for preterm labor risks.  PCOS, can lead to several risks, like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and something else I can't remember. Doctor will be keeping close watch of me and baby, especially after 24 weeks. More  frequent visits the closer to due date.
Next appointment, is in 2 weeks with the regular OB, for my regular monthly appointment.  Probably nothing to exciting there but getting my blood work results.

I have bump for sure now! Well, I think it's a bump!  I'm up 2 pounds from last months doctor visit.  Looking at about a total of 4-5 pound gain so far.  Not bad for almost halfway.
Wearing and bought maternity clothes. So much more comfortable then just wearing my jeans unbuttoned.

Greg's mom, Sue, came out to visit us for a quick trip. She was able to see baby and she helped me do some maternity clothes shopping. I got some new shirts, so I wont have to stretch my regular shirts out.
I think, I am just about ready for spring and summer to get here and wear my new clothes and be comfortable! Sue and I also looked at baby things. Just browsing to see what I like and what I'll need. We both fell in love with all the cute baby girl shoes!