Friday, May 9, 2014

26 Weeks!

Thursday, was officially 26 weeks and according to my app with my countdown on it, that's only 98 more days until due date! Yay double digit countdown!
The last 2 weeks have not been that exciting. Only done 2 pregnancy related things, first was I had my glucose level tested. I have yet to hear results. I assume that if I haven't heard anything from the Dr then is everything is fine.
Also, Greg and I have started to take some classes. I signed us up for a birthing class, a newborn care class and a breastfeeding class (making Greg go to this class with me because if I have to go then so does he). Right now, we are taking the 4 week birthing class. Class is once a week for 3 hours. Some of the information is helpful and some of it is not. I am for sure not having a natural birth so a lot of the techniques for pain management do not apply to those getting the epidural. But I suppose its good info to know in case I can't have the epidural for any reason.
Baby girl has been moving around a lot.  She is usually down super low in my pelvis. I have only a felt one kick to the ribs and that was when I was laying down. I have felt her have the hiccups a handful of times recently also.
Still no name for her.  Still working on it.
That's about it for this week.
At 28 weeks, I will see the OB and be getting an ultrasound from the specialist.
We will be going to AZ right after those appts for memorial weekend, so my next blog update will be delayed a bit.

Bump is getting bigger! Going to be huge by the time baby arrives....

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