Tuesday, May 27, 2014

28 Weeks and Baby Shower

We have made it officially into the 3rd trimester! Pretty exciting!
I am a little late posting here since Greg and I went to AZ for the weekend and all my appts were last Thursday.
So here's what is new.  I had a very short appt with the OB. Heartbeat was good and my belly measured good. Weight and blood pressure were good also.  Only question I had while there, was that baby girl tends to ball up and push out on my uterus tightening it up in spots. I was concerned that it might be Braxton Hicks contractions but the nurse practitioner said its just baby moving around in there.  Which baby does a lot of most days.  She is a wiggler and a kicker. Since I am now in the 3rd trimester, I will be going to the OB's office every 2 weeks until 36 weeks then I will go every week until baby makes her appearance.
After my OB appt, I went to see the specialist for an ultrasound. They were really backed up with patients so they decided to start doing fetal non stress test monitoring on baby and I.  Basically, I am hooked up the fetal monitor and contraction monitor that is used during labor to measure baby's heart rate and if I am having contractions.  Needless to say, my very active baby was not cooperative, as usual. Every time the nurses tried to catch her heart beat, baby would kick/punch the monitor and move away.  I was suppose to be monitored for 20 minutes and during that time, baby's heart rate was only captured half the time because she would move away.  The nurses said it gets easier to catch them on the monitor when they get bigger and have less room to move away. Anyway, I will be doing this monitoring once a week for the next month and possibly for the rest of my pregnancy.
When I finally got my ultrasound, baby was less wiggly but still in her usual head down position.  Makes it a little tricky to get all the measurements they need from her when she is like this. But from the measurements the tech got this time, baby is measuring on the small side. She is about 2.4 pounds and between 14-15 inches long.  Though the ultrasound is estimating based on the measurements the tech takes. The nurse practitioner that I saw, said not to worry at this point babies start to grow at their own rate and she is perfectly fine.
I go back for another ultrasound in 4 weeks to check on her growth. I also had to get blood work done to check on my thyroid again.

 Bump just keeps getting bigger.

 3D ultrasound of baby girl. She had her cord floating between her nose and lips and she is squished to the side.

Regular profile ultrasound

After all my appts on Thursday, Greg and I left to go to AZ for the weekend. My BFF Ashley was throwing me a baby shower and we had to attend the funeral of my grandma.
My shower was amazing and I am so thankful for everyone that came and for all the wonderful gifts and books every one brought and sent. Baby girl is well loved already!

Greg got caught holding his cousin's baby, He doesn't hold babies often.  

The week before we got all of the nursery furniture. The dresser and crib arrived a couple days apart from each other and Greg was able to get the crib put together.
Now all I need to do is get the decor up and the nursery will be ready!
I do need to work on organizing all the gifts we received from the shower too. But now I have places to put things.

So next update I suppose will be in a couple weeks, after some monitoring appts and the OB.
Thanks again to all those who came to the shower and sent gifts!  We really appreciate you and them!

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