Monday, February 3, 2014

12 weeks 4 Days - Specialist Appt.

Today, I had to get up super early to go to my appt at the perinatal specialist office (high risk pregnancy specialist).  I hate these morning appts,. I don't know why I keep making them for myself. But anyway, We saw the genetic counselor, who told us that basically we are consider "low risk" because of our age, no family history of genetic disorders and baby already tested negative for genetic abnormalities. She gave us the option of doing more blood work to sequence baby's DNA again but we declined since we already had her DNA tested.
After meeting with the counselor, we saw an ultrasound tech for some pictures of the baby and to have measurements taken of her.  The measurements showed that baby is the right size and measuring right on track. Also, had the back of her neck measured, which can determine if baby has Down's or other genetic conditions. Baby measured normal, so no concerns there. (another reason we declined further genetic testing.)
Since baby was all normal, we didn't need to see a doctor. But I do get to go for another ultrasound in a month. I love being able to see baby, makes me so much less nervous every time we see her and she gets bigger and her little heart is still beating.  In the ultrasound today, we saw baby bouncing a little and her hands were up. We saw her tiny nose and her heart was beating at a normal rate of 153 bpm.  She was very chill and I had to wiggle around to get her to move some so the tech could get a better angle on her for some measurements. This was probably the first time both baby and I were chill going to a dr appt.
baby girl at 12 weeks and 4 days

I recently made my first baby purchase. A tiny pink tutu! (How practical of me) I showed Greg and he was not as enthusiastic about it as I am.  He'll come around. ; )

I have been starting to feel a little better. The nausea I get from eating still happens from time to time but not as often as it had been happening.  I have less migraines too.  I seem to get them if I am really tired. I am trying to eat healthier even though healthy food hasn't been tasting all that well lately.I have not gained any weight so far.  Still within my usual fluctuating range and most of the time at the lower end of that range.  I suppose that will start changing.
I have had a request (Ashley) for pictures of my belly. I appear to have a little bit of a belly. Mostly bloat though, since baby is still very tiny. But my normal flat belly has disappeared. The size of my bloated belly varies from day to day. Definitely smaller in the morning and grows through out the day. Here's a midday belly picture.

I don't think I will have any updates for a while. My next appt is with the regular OB at the end of Feb.  Hopefully, nothing will happen that I will need to update the blog with until then. So ready for second trimester! We have already surpassed all my previous pregnancies and the second trimester will be a big milestone for me! And maybe I won't worry so much but that probably won't happen.

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