I saw the high risk specialist and actually spoke to a Dr. this time. He looked through all my lab work for the last year, which included blood work I had done for my second pregnancy/miscarriage. I can't believe it has only been year since all that happened.
Anyway, in my blood work everything (and I mean everything, I have been tested for so much) was normal, except for this TSH level which is low. I had blood work done on 3 other thyroid hormones last week besides the TSH and all the other (T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies) were normal. The Dr. felt my thyroid and its normal size. My blood pressure and pulse were within normal pregnancy range as well. So at this point, Dr. is not concerned but I will need to continue blood work to monitor the thyroid levels for now. He suspects that pregnancy hormones, especially the HCG, are the reason why my TSH level is low. HCG can act as a thyroid hormone and slightly confuse the brain into thinking that the thyroid is over producing when in reality it is not.
So that is the thyroid situations for now.
I did get to see baby again for another long ultrasound and baby got measured again. Her heart rate was good again at 160 bpm. She measures right on track at 14 weeks. She did have some body parts that measured 5 days ahead.. Her head, belly and legs all measured at 14 weeks and 5 days. The tech did say its not uncommon for baby this early to measure a few days ahead or behind. She is still so tiny. Baby was bouncing and waving. I saw her 5 little fingers and her nose! I love getting these ultrasounds. Eventually, I think they will start doing them once a month instead of every 2 weeks but its been nice.
Since I went to the Dr. this week, I will be going the high risk office once a month for ultrasounds. Which will put me at a Dr. office every 2 weeks. I see the regular OB, finally, in 2 weeks and then 2 weeks after that I am back for an ultrasound. I assume it will be a monthly visit to the OB as well.
I am not complaining about all the extra visits, as long as baby keeps doing well.
Baby Girl @ 14 Weeks
I posted this pic on instagram yesterday but I realize not all my blog readers are on or follow me on instagram. I was looking at all my ultrasounds pictures and it is amazing to me how much baby has grown in just 8 weeks. And how much she has grown from the tiny microscopic embryo that was implanted 3 months ago. I can't wait to see more growth!
I am little late adding this to the post but here is another belly pic. At 14 weeks
not much of a different from 12 weeks
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