Thursday, February 6, 2014

Late Test Results/13 weeks

I was hoping to avoid posting an update for a while. Not because I don't like updating but because I was hoping not to have anything happen worth posting about.
Things don't ever seem to come easy to me in regards to having a baby.
Thankfully, this is not a tragic update.
When I last saw my IVF dr, they sent me for a blood test to test my thyroid, even though it was always tested within normal range. I suppose it was just to make sure.  Well, it has been 3 weeks since I had that test and I never received a call about the results, which I assumed meant everything was fine.  This had been how I had gotten results before, no call meant all was fine and a call meant that something needed to be adjusted.
About 2 days ago, a nurse from my IVF dr called to say  that my thyroid test showed low levels of TSH, which meant my thyroid was over producing and asked if my OB had done anything about it. Well I haven't seen my OB because I couldn't get in until the end of Feb. So I got sent for another blood draw to what my thyroid is doing now 3 weeks later. I was hoping that my levels had just dropped due to all the medications and extra hormones I had been on and that being so close to the second trimester that the levels had gone back to normal.  The nurse told me the symptoms for my levels being low are, heart palpation (my heart races occasionally), feeling jittery (nope), shortness of breath (nope), insomnia (nope). I generally feel pretty good lately.
Well, no such luck. My TSH level is lower than it was 3 weeks ago  So I'm going to see the high risk specialist again, next week. Probably actually, see a Dr this time.  I suspect this appointment will have 1 of 2 outcomes. I'll be medicated for the remainder of the pregnancy, to avoid, high blood pressure (preeclampsia), preterm labor in the third trimester and to help me gain weight. Or they will just monitor me because sometimes TSH levels return to normal once the baby starts producing its own around 18 weeks.
i'd rather not be medicated since I have rad some scary reports on how bad the side effects can be  but I have also read that the risks to me and later baby (with preterm labor or preeclampsia) are worth taking the meds at lowest does possible.
I cant seem to catch a break. I finally got off all my prescription meds and now I might have to go back on one. Seems like I'll do anything to get this baby here!

On a brighter note: I am 13 weeks today and officially in the 2nd trimester! Big milestone here! and I checked for baby's heartbeat this morning and found her. she is always hiding and moving around.
13 down, 27 more to go!

update after dr appt on Thursday!

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