Thursday, January 2, 2014

8 Weeks!

I went to the dr again today! This has been an every  2 weeks thing for me and seems like it will continue until I am released from the fertility specialist and sent back to a regular OB.
So today, I got another ultrasound.  Baby girl is still measuring right on track and her heartbeat has increase (as it should) to 170 bpm.  I had some blood work done today also, to measure my current hormone levels to see if I can start taper off all the meds that I am on. So I'm waiting for a call back on those results. Which I am sure I will get later today.

Here is tiny little girl peanut!

All in all things are going well.  I have been getting nauseous occasionally but not too bad. No throwing up or anything. I am tired all the time! I try to nap in the afternoons but that's not always possible with work. I have been going to bed pretty early lately. We didn't even stay up for new years eve, too tired.
The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty important,since I have miscarried between 8 & 9 weeks before.  I think I will finally be able to relax once we have our 10 week appt. and everything looks good.
So keep hoping and praying for us that we can make it through!

Next update in a couple of weeks and hopefully it be good news!

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