Wednesday, May 31, 2017

16/17 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks. Last week I had my rgukar check up at the OB's office.  Nothing new to report from there. Heard little guy's heart beat and had to get some blood work done. Apparently I was suppose to do it after my 12 weeks appointment but the doctor forgot to mention that she sent over the orders.  But anyway 6 vials of blood later and everything seems fine. Thyroid is a tiny bit off again but it's similar to the situation I had with Alex.  Off but not enough to require medication. 
Today, I had my ultrasound appointment at the high risk specialist.  Baby was wiggly today but still managed to stay curled up. Making it little difficult at first  to get all the measurements they needed.  He finally uncurled enough to get almost everything, except for verifying that he's boy.  He was too shy. So maybe next time. Baby is actually measuring a week ahead.  Approximately 7.7 inches and 7 oz. Baby is doing great according to doctor and the ultrasound tech. 
One issue did come up.  The placenta has attached very low and  dry close to the cervix.  The doctor was optimistic that as the uterus stretches and grows that it will move and up out of the way.  However, if it does not then I will need c section.  But for now nothing to be concerned with. Just something they will continue to monitor. 
I feel like this might explain why baby seems to have to been hanging out up higher than Alex did and maybe why I haven't notice as much movement.  Alex was always so low and I was constantly being hit in the bladder by her. 
I've finally gained a few pounds, which I think isn't too bad for being almost half way. The nausea I had been having has moatly gone away. Although there seeem to be quite a few more foods that makes me nauseous then with Alex. And I haven't been as tired lately.  Making it through most days without naps. I seem to have picked up some allergies though and that hasn't been great. Headaches are still happening through.  I have been craving chips and salsa and coffee.  I feel like some days I can't make it though the day without some caffeine. Been feeling more tumbling around but still no kicks.  Even though I could see baby kicking on the ultrasound, I couldn't definitely feel it.  Hopefully I'll feel more soon. 
Greg started painted baby's room.  Lime green to go with the navy blue curtains left over for when Alex was in nursery. And I think we'll be going with a space or airplane theme but I haven't decided for sure yet. 
That's all for now. Back at the OB in 3 weeks and another ultrasound in 4 weeks.  

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