Monday, September 16, 2013

IVF Baseline and Start of Injections

I am a little late posting on this but my family was in town and then we went to Durango for the weekend.
But here is the IVF update:
Last Wednesday, the 11th, I went to the Dr. for my baseline appt.
The nurse did an ultrasound to check everything and to count how many follicles/eggs were in my ovaries.
At the time of ultrasound there were between 20-22 combined from both ovaries.  The nurse said that was a good number even slightly higher than normal. The number could change through out the next week but should stay around there. So we it would seem that we have a good chance to get some good eggs to be fertilized.
On Saturday the 14th, I started my injections. 2 a day for now.  One in the thigh and one the belly.
I am for sure not enjoying giving myself these injections.  Though the one in the thigh isn't so bad but the one in the belly is not fun and hurts more.  No crazy side effects yet, just some wicked headaches.  I'm trying to drink lots of gatorade and water to help keep the bloating down (i was warned that it would happen) and to help with the headaches.
Tomorrow the 17th I am going to the Dr. in the morning for my 1st ultrasound to the check to the growth of the eggs in the ovaries and the current count.  Also at this appt. they will decide if I need to change my injection dosages and when I need to start my 3rd daily injection. And they will decide when I need to start going in for daily ultrasounds and start getting daily blood work done. Yay more needles : (

More updates to come as I go to the Dr.

Goebel's riding the train from Silverton to Durango

1 comment:

Monica Carpenter said...

Fingers crossed for lots of good follicles!